"We write to taste life- twice"

A journey alhamdulillah..

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It has been quite challenging the last 2-3 months. Alhamdullillah. I have been travelling up and down, and  the same goes for Nadiah and Umar. Kuantan and Bangi is 300 km apart, and we have been seeing each other on weekend basis. But hey, alhamdulillah that Allah still listen to us.

Usually, Nadiah will take a flight with Umar to Kuantan~ I dont want Nadiah and Umar to travel by bus because it will be taxing for Nadiah alone taking care of Umar. Umar now is already 15 + months plus. He is already ‘lasak’ and very much has his own idea of the world already. He likes, Yusuf Islam’s nashids, he  knows when I am praying and he loves his mother.

 A vigourous young toddler just like his father was.  It has been Nadiah’s and Umar 7th flight I think! I am driving, on the bus and on the plane just to keep thing going.

On top of that, Nadiah have been going to HUKM helping out emak, for ayah’s chemotheraphy.  Alhamdullilah we are well ‘equipped’ with knowledge and not leaving us in the dark. It is already the 2nd cycle with the 3rd chemo dose  in next week.  Alhamdulillah ayah is still stable, it has been a roller coaster ride yet for the family.  Ayah will have a conference in Makkah on 15 th April 2012 on Halal industry. Despite the cancer he is having he is still pushing things to his best for his research and interest. Alhamdullilah.

I have not breakdown yet! Well sometime little, but this train ain’t stopping

So I am still working in Kuantan, and Nadiah is still helping out in Bangi and Umar has grown. For the rest of  us, again alhamdulillah! Mama and Abah gladfully understands our circumstances. Qaisara my niece has grown also.

A journey of alhamdulillah!

Written by Khairul

April 11, 2012 at 11:07 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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